Friday, June 15, 2012

Sweet Summertime

Well, I don't really have any new recipes or profound parenting experience to share. It's just been a while since I posted! This is a picture I took last Sunday of Holt, Lacey, & Colby Jane after church. The girls are wearing new outfits made by Sadie (my mom!). Aren't they adorable?! I love having all 3 matching, too.
We finally have the pool open and ready for fun and sun! We have already been enjoying it a lot this past week and had several friends over. I knew I was going to enjoy having a "teacher" schedule, but until we got the pool open I didn't know HOW much I would enjoy it! I cannot begin to tell you how awesome it is to plan playdates and summer holidays without having to check my work schedule, swap shifts with someone, or request certain days off and hope that it is approved!
Holt does remember how to swim, thank goodness! He was worried that he would not. The first couple of days we swam he insisted on wearing his life jacket in the pool. Yesterday, he was jumping off the diving board and swimming in the deep end without anything! I am so proud of him.
I think I can really say that Lacey is potty trained! She may have one accident a week now, and the last two accidents I can remember her having, she pee peed in the floor because she couldn't get the potty seat up in time, and the other time she couldn't get through the door at church in time but she was trying to get there. It really upsets her to have an accident now, before she could have cared less. If you want to know what I did to get her to turn the corner, email me or ask me in person!
We are having Colby Jane's baby dedication here on Sunday, which also happens to be Father's Day. I was raised Southern Baptist, and baby dedications are a common thing in the Baptist church. It is a time where parents can publicly declare to raise their children in a Christian home, and receive prayers and support from their family/church family in raising their new baby to one day hopefully receive the Lord as their personal Savior. I am now a member of the Church of Christ, and this is not a common practice. When Holt was born, I really wanted some occasion to celebrate his birth and pray for our family. And honestly, I like pomp and circumstance! A new baby IS something to celebrate, commemorate, and pray about! So, we began a tradition that we have kept with each of our children, and we have made it our own.
The first two children were dedicated at my aunt and uncle's home, Swan Song, in Shiloh, TN. Ryan and I also had our wedding reception there. We have our own home now that is big enough to entertain a lot of guests, so we are looking forward to having Colby Jane's dedication here. She will wear the Christening gown my aunt Patricia made for me that I wore when I was christened (I know, I said I was raised southern baptist, but we were Methodist when I was a baby). 7 out of 10 of my parents' grandchildren will have worn it for their christening/dedications, including all 3 of my children!
Our minister will do the "ceremony." He will just say a few words about parenting and raising children in a Christian home. Then we will pray. We will have a little reception afterwards. I am looking forward to having my tables set and fresh flowers and candles. I am also having a cake made. We have the most adorable lamb cake pan that we used to make a "lamb cake" for Holt & Lacey's dedications. A friend of mine at church that has baked cakes professionally is doing the cake for Colby Jane's dedication. I can't wait to see it!
I will try to take and post lots of pictures this Sunday!